An Essential Starter Kit for Any CIO Considering the Internet of Things or Software Companies Needing a Jumpstart.
Software AG today unveiled its Internet of Things (IoT) Solution Accelerator, a tightly-bundled set of smart tools that help business leaders gain actionable insights from different, disparate data sources in real-time enabling them to make better business decisions.
The new Software AG IoT Solution Accelerator enables data analysts to quickly and easily visualize and analyse the performance of their devices individually or together. It also allows the rapid development of “Smart Systems” that respond in real-time to patterns in event and sensor data.
The IoT Solution Accelerator comprises and combines five essential components:
- (1) out-of-the-box real-time, advanced streaming analytics;
- (2) Universal, low latency messaging;
- (3) in-memory processing of hundreds of terabytes of data;
- (4) real-time HTML5 dashboards that run anywhere in portals, websites, Microsoft SharePoint and all mobile devices, and
- (5) end-to-end security, including secure sharing outside the corporate firewall.
The IoT Solution Accelerator includes connectors to popular IoT providers such as Axeda’s Machine Streams and AT&Ts M2M platform. Additionally, it includes a Project Development Kit (PDK) and a solution guide. The PDK contains developer tools comprising frameworks, templates, customizable user interfaces, etc. All the pieces needed to quickly install and run the application are included. There is also documentation and source-code based intellectual property provided to kick-start developers to customize or even extend the Solution Accelerator capabilities.
John Crupi, Vice President of Visual Analytics, Software AG, said:
“We are witnessing a massive explosion with the interconnection of things as more physical objects become embedded with sensors, actuators and devices to gain the ability to collect data and communicate. Forward-thinking companies are already recognizing the potential benefits of a global system of internet-connected things, but struggle with the challenge of how they can manage, control, and act upon the anticipated tsunami of data and events that all this will undoubtedly create.”
“The Software AG Internet of Things Solution Accelerator simplifies the tasks necessary to store, visualize and use the growing connectivity and influx of data.”
Dan Shey, Practice Director, ABI Research, noted:
“The challenge will not always be about the volume of data, but the different technologies needed to gather, store and analyze the data. Nowadays, new database technologies are often built on Hadoop, but it is not designed and hence is slow for real-time analyses. By leveraging in-memory database technologies, data access and event processing is lightening fast allowing insight generation in real time. With connections reaching nearly 24 billion ‘things’ by 2020, the resulting incremental information promises to shape new business models, drive business process efficiencies, and help reduce costs and risks.”
Only the Software AG IoT Solution Accelerator helps companies build an integrated, comprehensive platform for the entire IoT infrastructure with robust, end-to-end security. A unique feature of the IoT Solution Accelerator is its capability to combine both real-time data and historical data at the same time. This delivers actionable, contextual information that enables business analysts to identify opportunities or threats as they occur and act upon them.