Sophisticated web based management platform makes developing, deploying and managing of machine-to-machine services easier, more robust and cost efficient even in bulk numbers.
The innovative M2M connectivity provider NextM2M is now launching a new significant upgrade to its already advanced management platform.
The entirely web based NextM2M Management Platform is an administration tool for the machine-to-machine (M2M) development and deployment industry. The upgraded version adds more functionality, control and customization to an already sophisticated platform that has proved its reliability, flexibility, efficiency and extreme scalability even in bulk operations and with the option of complex billing of customers and customers’ customers.
– Because it is based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and workflows, the platform has almost unlimited flexibility, capability and capacity, says Claes Hougaard, Development Manager at Neoconsult, who has developed the platform for NextM2M. The significantly improved API makes it even easier to develop new programs and innovative services whether for specific projects, wholesale of programs or for network operators.
NextM2M has developed a platform based on efficiency and scalability making it more cost beneficial to administrate – even with large numbers of different SIM-cards. The deployment, activation and handling of SIMs are reduced to very few operations, and once implemented it is easy to expand or develop the projects. A new service can be developed with a few test SIMs and then deployed to thousands or millions of units without any technical alterations.
The NextM2M Management Platform can handle more than a million customers without decreased performance and without altering the setup in any way.
Bulk provisioning can be implemented equally effortlessly. The platform can easily handle 100.000 SIM cards for a single customer, and in testing 10 million SIM-cards have been provisioned without any problems.
Together with the advanced administration of IP addresses this makes the NextM2M Management Platform ideally suited for businesses aspiring to be their own Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO).
– Our Management Platform is developed with advanced reseller billing in mind, comments Henrik Hansen, Vice President, Sales and Business Development, NextM2M. It is easy to establish and administrate domains and manage IP addresses. Communicating with the SIM and the ability to see IP addresses provide complete overview of operations, and it is possible to activate thousands of SIM-cards simultaneously within seconds.
– Furthermore, it is possible to have SIM-cards from different suppliers (e.g. local operators) in the same domain and platform. This enables even complex billing systems. It is also possible to fully integrate the platform into the customer’s own domain and billing systems.
– The NextM2M Management Platform is a result of 10 years research and development specifically with the M2M business in mind, Mads Winblad, Chairman of the Board, NextM2M says. The upgrade represents a significant strategic leap that sets it apart from any similar products on the market. It has led to agreements with leading M2M system integrator Materna in Germany and a leasing agreement to operate Datatrade’s M2M activities, which we see as proof of its qualities. Its ability to handle bulk connectivity in an easy and cost efficient way and giving the user unprecedented control of the setup and even integrating it is his own domain is unique and thus an important step forward for NextM2M.