KORE Global Connect Drives M2M Global Market Expansion

KORE Global Connect Drives M2M Global Market Expansion

Enterprises and Application Providers Look to KORE for Worldwide Cellular and Satellite M2M Connectivity Services

KORE, the world’s largest wireless service provider specializing in machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, today announced that more than 50 customers across six continents are now taking advantage of worldwide M2M connectivity offered through KORE Global Connect™.

With integrated cellular and satellite services, organizations and application providers across multiple vertical industries including supply chain management, healthcare and fleet tracking are harnessing the power of KORE Global Connect to deliver M2M applications in multiple countries and geographies.

KORE Global Connect features GSM-based, cellular M2M communications services in more than 180 countries as well as satellite services enabling 100 percent global coverage, and provides truly ubiquitous connectivity anywhere in the world. With Tier-1, in-country network connectivity and the ability to be a single point-of-contact for billing, support, logistics and relationship management, KORE Global Connect has quickly become the network of choice for organizations looking expand globally.

Ted Wlazlowski, president and CEO, LoJack Supply Chain Integrity (LoJack SCI), a provider of integrated solutions for supply chain protection, said:

“With KORE Global Connect, we can empower our customers to track, monitor and assist them with recovery of any product within their supply chain, regardless of its physical location anywhere on the planet.”

As our customers expand globally, so do the demands and reach of their supply chains. KORE Global Connect enables us to offer worldwide tracking and intelligence capabilities at a cost-effective price point, helping LoJack SCI grow its business along with our customers.”

Protecting the quality of fresh produce while it moves around the world via ocean transport is critical for the food supply chain, and the need for transparency has reached a completely new level,” said Claude-Nicolas Fiechter, Ph.D., vice president of software development, Purfresh, a provider of ocean transport and supply chain management technologies.

KORE Global Connect provides our customers with real-time visibility into not only the location of produce in transit, but also its environment. This intelligence helps protect the quality of delivered goods, a critical component in the global food supply chain.”

Customers manage KORE Global Connect via the KORE PRiSMPro™, a single management platform for integrating and controlling all aspects of this multi-technology, global services network. By simply logging into the PRiSMPro interface, users can automate device controls, monitor complex multi-tariff billing and manage connectivity and usage options as devices cross borders. In addition, KORE is the single point-of-contact for any device troubleshooting or service questions, ensuring unmatched customer service and problem resolution.

We are excited about the early success of KORE Global Connect, which was designed from the ground up to exceed the M2M market’s need for a single network for connecting devices across the globe,” said Alex Brisbourne, president and COO, KORE.

With Tier-1 CDMA and GSM network offerings coupled with multi-function satellite integration options, KORE Global Connect has already become the go-to choice for global application providers expanding beyond their national boundaries. Organizations and application providers across vertical industries, including mHealth, fleet tracking, environmental monitoring and point-of-sale as well as supply chain, continue to adopt KORE Global Connect at record rates to meet expanding M2M connectivity demands.”

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