Philips CityTouch Selects Sierra Wireless to Connect New Remote Lighting Management System for Smart Cities

Philips CityTouch Selects Sierra Wireless to Connect New Remote Lighting Management System for Smart Cities

AirPrime® HL Series modules to provide cellular connectivity for CityTouch Ready outdoor lighting fixtures.

Sierra Wireless today announced that Philips CityTouch has selected Sierra Wireless AirPrime® embedded wireless modules to provide connectivity for the new CityTouch LightWave remote lighting management system.

CityTouch LightWave is a new remote lighting management system that includes intelligent “plug and play” outdoor lighting fixtures. Cities worldwide can roll out the CityTouch system quickly and cheaply, using LED outdoor fixtures that feature built-in mobile connectivity to the central management system, using integrated AirPrime modules.

Once such a fixture is plugged in, a light point automatically appears on the CityTouch map at the right location and with its main technical parameters already integrated into the system. Only a few clicks later, the remote lighting management system allows central control of all lights in an area, either individually or as a group. The software also provides the current lighting status, auto-notifications of faults and accurate information on energy usage of each street light. The system can provide significant energy savings to municipal customers – LED lighting combined with intelligent controls can deliver savings of up to 80 percent.

Philips CityTouch chose Sierra Wireless AirPrime modules for the CityTouch LightWave system based on the level of global support Sierra Wireless is able to provide as the market leader, as well as the potential for evolution in future products with a simple migration path from 2G to 4G technologies.

“The more we talked with Sierra Wireless, the more confident we became that this company really understood what we needed to not only build and launch a new generation of CityTouch Ready outdoor lighting fixtures, but to also grow and evolve them over time,” said Vasanth Philomin, General Manager of Philips CityTouch.

“We knew we needed more than just a simple hardware supplier, and Sierra Wireless offered both the expertise to help us get to market efficiently and the long-term vision we were looking for in a collaborative partner.”

Philips CityTouch remote street lighting management system“CityTouch LightWave offers an innovative approach to easily connect city lights for smart cities,” said Dan Schieler, Senior Vice President, OEM Solutions for Sierra Wireless.

“The ability to monitor and manage street lighting can provide more reliable service, more efficient use of city funds, and a more environmentally-friendly solution. It’s a classic example of how connecting everyday city services can benefit both the municipal organization and its citizens.”

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