Sagemcom Delivers 1st Multi-Energy Solution for Luxembourg’s Smart Metering Roll-Out

Sagemcom Delivers 1st Multi-Energy Solution for Luxembourg's Smart Metering Roll-Out

THE GAS AND ELECTRICITY DSO’S and Luxmetering G.I.E awarded a consortium led by Sagemcom for the DELIVERY of an electricity and natural gas smart metering system with 400.000 collection points in Luxembourg.

Sagemcom will supply entire 305 000 electricity meters, data concentrators. The central system is shared between Sagemcom and Atos Worldgrid which realise the end to end integration.

The solution provided by Sagemcom will use the electricity meter as an inhouse concentrator for the data collection of the gas meters using M-bus OMS 4.0.2. All data collected by the electric smart meter will be transported to the data-concentrator thanks to the ITU G3-PLC protocol. For isolated areas, electric smart meters will transport data by mobile infrastructure.

In addition, a key differentiator of this enhanced innovative solution is the end to end security based on DLMS security Suite 1.

Paul Hoffmann, CEO Luxmetering G.I.E., said:
“The awarding of these contracts is a major step for Luxmetering and the seven gas and electricity DSO’s in Luxembourg and kicks off the industrial stage of the Smart Metering program for Luxembourg. The gas and electricity smart meters deployed all over the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg will promote the active participation of the energy consumers and contribute to the energy efficiency targets set by the Luxemburgish Government compliant to the EU energy efficiency directive.”

“The smart metering system is based on the communication of the electricity and gas data to a common central system, shared by all DSO’s, which will also welcome at a later stage data from water and district heat smart meters.”

sagemcom smart meteringEric Rieul, Deputy CEO of Sagemcom Energy & Telecom, said:
“The DSO’s and Luxmetering gave their confidence to Sagemcom for the entire communication chain and the System: it rewards the strategic choices we’ve made over the past years, which allow us today to be the main solution provider on the entire communication smart multi-energy meter chain. Moreover, this project is a significant step forward in terms of security enhancement. We are proud of this success that will actively participate to the deployment of this type of solution.”

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