Deutsche Telekom joins the Industrial Internet Consortium

Deutsche Telekom joins the Industrial Internet Consortium

Deutsche Telekom brings in expertise in connectivity topics, especially NarrowBand IoT and 5G, as well as IoT platform and analytical services. The cooperation will further strengthen the European footprint in the global community of the Industrial Internet Consortium. Goal of the initiative: develop common perspectives concerning the interoperability of systems from different domains.

Deutsche Telekom has joined the Industrial Internet Consortium® (IIC™), the world’s leading organization transforming business and society by accelerating the adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

The Industrial Internet Consortium advances the adoption of the Industrial Internet on a global scale with a cross-industry oriented approach, including Smart City solutions, the manufacturing industry, energy, healthcare and transportation.

Deutsche Telekom will further strengthen the European footprint in the global community of the Industrial Internet Consortium, bringing to the table the Group’s strong position in IoT connectivity, especially NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT), and 5G. The Group provides its customers of manufacturing and automotive industries, logistics, healthcare – or in the case of Smart City – public authorities with the suitable IoT platform and analytical services to manage their IoT projects, devices, and M2M SIM cards.

In dialog with the community and its partners, Deutsche Telekom wants to develop common perspectives concerning the interoperability of systems from different domains, the needs of standardization and of general conditions of security regulations for IoT services and devices.

Digitization: Simple. Better. Secure.

Deutsche Telekom’s aim is to make digitization simple for their customers. That is why, for years, Deutsche Telekom has been investing billions in fast networks, the cloud, IoT applications, and integrated security solutions, to get ready for the digital world. The fundamental prerequisite for IoT applications is connectivity, and Deutsche Telekom is rolling out a machine network based on NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) technology in eight European markets and the US.

The Group offers prepackaged bundles consisting of connectivity, hardware, IoT-platform and analytical services. These can be further configured, combined and extended according to individual requirements of the industries: allowing them a complete overview of all connected things and costs, monitoring their machines as well as collecting, filtering and analyzing data and managing the lifecycle of the customers’ “things” – worldwide.

Analyst firms such as ISG regularly place Deutsche Telekom among the leading providers for IoT. “As a member of the IIC, Deutsche Telekom is pleased to cooperate with the community’s partners to shape and drive IoT on a global scale,” says Ingo Hofacker, responsible for the IoT business in the Deutsche Telekom Group.

“Only if we manage to ensure that the different systems and technologies work together seamlessly worldwide will the Industrial Internet of Things become a model for success.”

“IoT connectivity is critical in many industries including Smart Cities and manufacturing,” said Dr. Richard Soley, Executive Director, IIC. “We welcome Deutsche Telekom and its expertise in joining our work to advance the IIoT.”

Strong momentum for global digitization of industrial production

Global cooperation, in turn, will only work with interoperability of systems. The IIC has successfully been collaborating with the German Plattform Industrie 4.0 initiative for the benefit of interoperability of systems from the different domains. The manufacturing industry oriented initiative Plattform Industrie 4.0 was founded with the aim of implementing the innovative project Industry 4.0 of the High-Tech Strategy of the German Government, Deutsche Telekom is member of its steering circle. The organization’s members work in interdisciplinary working groups on the future topics such as standardization, research and security.

Today, the Industrial Internet Consortium and Plattform Industrie 4.0 have developed an ongoing collaboration to formulate requirements for standardization bodies together, to create a joint testbed for testing architectural elements and to work together to increase the adoption of the Industrial Internet.

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