If it seems like you can’t pick up a magazine or turn on a news program without hearing about the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT), you are definitely correct. Experts estimate that within the next three to four years, there will be 28-30 billion connected devices.
While many people are already enjoying using the IoT in their personal lives — everything from smart home appliances and thermostats to wearable fitness devices and more — as the IoT becomes even more prevalent, we can also expect it to have a positive impact on workplace productivity. Consider the following:
Always Connected Means Always Able to Work
One way that a workplace that embraces the IoT will become more productive is thanks to the always connected PC. Mobile experiences on a PC should work the same way as they do on a smartphone — quickly, and with immediate connection. Thanks to technologies like the Qualcomm Snapdragon Mobile PC platform, employees can enjoy the lightning fast speeds of their phone and PC in one user-friendly device. Always connected PCs can also be used as a portal to manage and control other IoT technologies; by using the 4G laptops that let workers stay connected while on the go, as well as connect to other devices, you and your team can work remotely with ease, which in turn will boost your productivity.
Track Your Fleet Cars and Delivery Vehicles
One of the many cool features of the IoT is its ability to let you know where trucks in your work fleet are currently located and when they will arrive at their destination. Business owners can also use this technology to keep tabs on when trucks and delivery vehicles will need maintenance. So how will all of this add up to an improvement in workplace productivity? If you typically get feedback from the IoT devices that your shipments are running late, you can not only pass the info on to your customers, you can also assess your delivery routes and driving schedules, adjusting them as necessary in order to be more punctual. And when your delivery trucks and employee cars are able to figuratively tell you “Hey, I could really use a tune up and a tire rotation,” you can pull the vehicles out of the fleet right away and get them repaired before a tire blows out on the road or something goes wrong with the engine and the car has to be taken out of commission for a longer period of time.
Manage and Use Time More Efficiently
IoT devices are also expected to allow employees and managers alike to better manage their schedules, tasks and project deadlines, which will allow everyone to be more productive at work, as well as make IoT a wise investment. For example, if your employees need to track their time — which can be a tedious process — new technology can handle a lot of these related tasks and allow your team to focus on their projects and not their paperwork. In addition, timesheets can be synced with IoT applications to automatically record your employees’ meeting info, client phone call times and other calendar entries, as well as other jobs. For your accounting department, having this ability will make processing timesheets far simpler and free up time for them to handle other work.
Over Time, IoT Will Surely Become Even More Impressive
When it comes to the Internet of Things and workplace productivity, three examples are certainly just the tip of the iceberg. As time goes on, the IoT becomes more prevalent, always connected PCs are in every office and workers are tracked more accurately, it will be interesting to see how this amazing technology will impact the workplace in more efficient ways.