Kids Guard 3S is designed to track children’s whereabouts, using u-blox positioning technology. Qihoo 360 ...
Chinese Qihoo 360’s third generation of child tracking watch uses u-blox GNSS technology
Chinese Qihoo 360’s third generation of child tracking watch uses u-blox GNSS technology
Qualcomm Announces Next Era of Wearables with New Snapdragon Wear Platform
Qualcomm Announces Next Era of Wearables with New Snapdragon Wear Platform
Augmented Reality (AR) and wearable tech is a marriage made for the enterprise says Beecham Research
Augmented Reality (AR) and wearable tech is a marriage made for the enterprise says Beecham Research
Samsung Addresses a Growing Mobile Health Market with Industry’s First Smart Bio-Processor
Samsung Addresses a Growing Mobile Health Market with Industry’s First Smart Bio-Processor
Shipments of connected wearables will reach 228 million in 2020
Shipments of connected wearables will reach 228 million in 2020
Gemalto to provide solution for Samsung Gear S2 with 3G connectivity
Gemalto to provide solution for Samsung Gear S2 with 3G connectivity
Numerex Releases mySHIELD, Mobile Personal Emergency Response System
Numerex Releases mySHIELD, Mobile Personal Emergency Response System
Wearables Moving from Consumer Niche Interest to the Enterprise
Wearables Moving from Consumer Niche Interest to the Enterprise
Australian wearables market to grow at CAGR of 78% – Revenue of A$1 billion by 2018
Australian wearables market to grow at CAGR of 78% – Revenue of A$1 billion by 2018
Sniffing and tracking wearable tech and smartphones
Sniffing and tracking wearable tech and smartphones