KORE Launches Quickstart Program for M2M Application Developers

Together with Partners ClearConnex and Richardson RFPD, KORE Accelerates M2M Application Development with One Comprehensive Program

KORE, the world’s largest wireless services provider specializing in machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, today announced the Quickstart Program for accelerating the development, testing and deployment of M2M applications.

Through partnerships with ClearConnex, an innovative embedded wireless engineering firm, and Richardson RFPD, a leading value-added global component distributor with specialized expertise to serve the RF, wireless and M2M markets, KORE is now able to deliver every critical component required by M2M application developers to develop and test a complete M2M solution. The Quickstart Program is designed for developers to purchase a cellular module developer kit enhanced with ClearComm software agent and direct access to the KORE wireless M2M network in one simple, integrated package. This kit includes all the required components needed to empower developers to start new M2M applications immediately.

Robert Metzler, EVP, sales and marketing, KORE Telematics, said:

“For the first time, we are making available a comprehensive program that streamlines and expedites the path to market for M2M device and solution providers.”

ClearConnex’s engineering solutions and software development platform and Richardson RFPD’s OEM distribution channel, together with the KORE network, enables developers to accelerate the move from testing to commercial deployment. We are confident that the KORE Quickstart Program delivers the fastest time to market for new M2M applications.

The Quickstart Program enables developers of custom M2M solutions to quickly prototype and test their devices and applications by choosing from a set of pre-packaged SKUs and certified device hardware from Richardson RFPD. This hardware is pre-loaded with ClearComm software from ClearConnex and through KORE provides access to global M2M commercial networks for testing and validation. This eliminates the complex wireless communication programming learning curve and enables extremely fast device activation on the KORE network.

The Quickstart Program is another example of our ‘start ahead’ philosophy in action. Along with our ‘finish ahead’ engineering services, we are removing additional barriers from the development process,” said Manuel Zepeda, CEO of ClearConnex.

By partnering with KORE and Richardson RFPD, we are arming developers with the tools required to test their devices and applications in a real-world setting, including live cellular network connectivity. We are looking forward to working with KORE and Richardson RFPD to streamline the pathway to commercial M2M deployment.

The Quickstart Program provides developers with access to tier 1 cellular network services with specialized M2M pricing plans. The program also includes access to the KORE PRiSMPro™ business management platform for managing all device activities, including provisioning, activation/deactivation, reporting and analysis. In addition, Quickstart participants can quickly move devices and applications from test trials to full commercial agreements when they are ready for launch.

We are proud to provide innovative M2M application providers with a blueprint for development and testing, easing the path to commercial production,” said Chris Marshall, vice president of RF & Microwave Components, Richardson RFPD.

We believe our partnership with KORE and ClearConnex will help our developer customers more quickly realize revenue from M2M applications by expediting time-to-market, and that the Quickstart Program will become a key component of the next generation of M2M solutions.

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