Internet of Things Accelerating Demand for Intelligent Gateways, According to New Research by VDC

Internet of Things Accelerating Demand for Intelligent Gateways, According to New Research by VDC

The rampant growth of connectivity spurred by the Internet of Things and the spread of cloud-based business models are leading many end users to seek gateway solutions facilitating the deployment of new applications and services.

A recent study by VDC Research shows that the market for intelligent gateway devices featuring a software platform enabling new applications or services will see substantial growth over the next five years. The Internet of Things enables a swath of opportunities for new value-add and commercial software and services, many of which are launching and gaining traction in several different industries. In fact, results from VDC’s annual end-user survey of embedded engineers indicates the majority of businesses supporting M2M & intelligent gateway applications plan to deploy cloud services through gateways in the next 12 months. The specific gateway requirements of range, power, latency, and others between applications will lead to more vertical solutions than general-purpose devices.

cloud through gateways diagram by VDC Research“Growing networking requirements and opportunities for new B2B and B2C business models will drive the market for Intelligent Gateways,” says VDC analyst Dan Mandell.

“The software platform, which greatly benefits from the scalability of cloud computing and storage, is a chief point of differentiation among vendors of comparable industry solutions.”

“From a technical standpoint alone, M2M and intelligent gateway devices are increasingly sought to provide more support at the edge of embedded networks that are strained by progressively more connected devices and infrastructure.”

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