Ready-to-be-deployed solutions involving smart cities, air quality, water and environmental concerns designed to help cities thrive.
SensorInsight®, an Internet of Things (IoT) solution provider, today announced its partnership with Sigfox in the U.S.A. to offer Internet of Things (IoT) solutions based on Libelium technology to cities nationwide.
The new solutions include new offerings on large-scale environmental sensor deployments such as monitoring solutions used to detect potentially hazardous conditions in urban areas, schools, hospitals, and factories.
Joey Bernal, Co-founder and President of SensorInsight®, and CTO and Managing Partner at Element Blue, said:
“This three-way partnership building off of our already existing strong partnership with Libelium demonstrates how our real-world solutions and proven technologies are working in harmony to build more livable, workable and sustainable cities. We have come together to join forces in IoT leadership for creating smarter cities for future generations.”
With a common goal of working together to develop and build a better future for cities and their citizens, SensorInsight, Libelium and Sigfox will be focusing on implementing large-scale environmental monitoring deployments. By analyzing and sharing monitoring data within their communities, municipal governments can efficiently work in conjunction with citizens to take actions to identify problems in a geographical area.
SensorInsight and Libelium have partnered together previously on IoT projects, and now this new, three-way partnership builds on their progress and momentum that the two partners have achieved bringing the IoT Revolution one step further by joining efforts with an important network of partners to ensure the maximum interoperability with IoT sensors and hardware platforms.
“We are thrilled to join forces in this triple play partnership with SensorInsight and Libelium enabling environmental smart cities initiatives across the U.S.,” said Michael Orr, VP Sales and Partnerships, Sigfox, North America.
“Sensorlight and Libelum, coupled with Sigfox unique connectivity eliminates three of the biggest barriers in IoT; cost, device battery consumption, and scalability, is a powerful solution to address key issues facing municipalities today.”
Environmental Monitoring of Air Quality and Pollution
As international concern about greenhouse gas emissions and air quality continues to grow on a global scale, many organizations, cities, and government bodies are seeking non-regulatory ways to monitor their Air Quality Index and promote public safety. With SensorInsight, not only can stakeholders monitor and report on air quality in real-time, but they can view history and identify trends, empowering them to take action to reduce emissions and protect public health.
Last year, SensorInsight participated in a pilot study for The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) New Sensor Scale. The EPA monitors air quality with a national network of sensors that collect regional data for enforcement of and research on the Clean Air Act and National Ambient Air Quality standards. The EPA Air Quality Index (AQI) is designed for regulatory monitoring and to calculate the health effects from exposure to toxic environments over longer periods. The Sensor Scale has been designed to help citizen scientists and non-regulatory users to understand quickly how local real-time monitoring may impact them.
The EPA designed the Sensor Scale to be used with non-regulatory, commercial sensors that collect information in real-time that can be then shared and validated against regulatory monitors. Users can enjoy outdoor activities by referencing the Air Quality Index to plan outdoor activities and may consider adjusting outdoor activities, especially if ozone sensitivity exists. SensorInsight has worked in conjunction with this sensor scale to report any irregularities in real-time.