Sprint uses kits to demonstrate the power of cloud-enabled M2M communications
Digi International today introduced the iDigi® Gateway Development Kit with 3G cellular connectivity.
The kit demonstrates how remote devices can be connected wirelessly over cellular networks and integrated into a cloud environment with ease. It contains all of the hardware, software and documentation necessary for ZigBee-to-3G cellular Internet connectivity, iDigi Web services and Digi development tools.
“Many view machine-to-machine (M2M) wireless connectivity to the cloud as something that can only be done with great investment in time, resource and money,” said Larry Kraft, senior vice president of global sales and marketing, Digi International.
“This is no longer true. Our iDigi Gateway Development Kit demystifies remote M2M wireless connectivity by providing a proof-of-concept experience in less than an hour. And we provide all the sample applications used to generate this experience to get customers started with cloud connecting their own devices.”
“Sprint is using iDigi Gateway Development Kits and find them to be very effective in providing training and capability demonstrations to our field engineers and technical sales resources,” said Wayne Ward, vice president of Emerging Solutions, Sprint.
“The kits allow us to easily conduct concept trials with our customers and prospects. They are a valuable tool in helping to demonstrate the power of M2M. With more than 10 years of experience with M2M, Sprint has been at the forefront of the wireless industry revolution.”
The iDigi Gateway Development Kit is designed to make it easy to setup a ZigBee network, upload a custom iDigi Device Integration Application (iDigi Dia) and provide seamless connectivity to the iDigi Device Cloud™ for Web services integration to standard business applications over the Internet. Using the kit, in no time a user will be able to log into a Google App demo and remotely switch on/off a lamp and monitor its history using wireless Digi technologies.
The iDigi Gateway Development Kit includes the ConnectPort® X4 ZigBee-to-3G cellular gateway, Digi XBee® Smart Plug, battery-powered XBee temperature/light sensors, Digi ESP Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for iDigi Dia/Python development, and related cables, battery and power supply.
iDigi Gateway Development Kits support Sprint, Verizon, AT&T Wireless, Vodafone and other global 3G GSM networks. Kits are available now starting at $499 MSRP.